Youcef El Kamel

Youcef El Kamel

I'm Youcef, a passionate solopreneur and developer who deeply values productivity and self-improvement. Driven by a desire to create a tool that empowers individuals to make the most of their time, I founded Beedone. Inspired by renowned books such as Atomic Habits, Getting Things Done, The One Thing, The Power of Habit, and Deep Work, I designed Beedone as a multiplatform productivity app that integrates gamification principles and AI-driven visuals to motivate users and enhance their daily routines. Through Beedone, I aim to help users break free from unproductive habits, achieve their goals more efficiently, and ultimately lead more fulfilling lives. With a strong belief in continuous improvement, I am dedicated to refining Beedone's features and implementing user feedback to create the ultimate productivity tool.