How I'm Building in Public as a Tech Entrepreneur

Build in Public: My Journey as a Tech Entrepreneur and App Maker"

As a tech entrepreneur, I'm always looking for ways to innovate and make an impact in the world. But how do I stand out in a sea of developers and startups? Here are some tips I've learned on how to build in public and differentiate myself

1. Create a Unique Personal Brand

To set myself apart from the competition, I've created a personal brand that showcases my passion for building tech projects with optimized technology. I'm not just a developer, I'm an entrepreneur who wants to make a difference in the world.

2. Embrace Your Uniqueness

I'm not an expert in one particular technology, but rather someone who can adapt and learn new technologies quickly. I also believe in the power of change and am always looking for ways to improve my code. While some developers may shy away from functional programming or refactoring, I see it as an opportunity to create something better.

3. Inspire Others with Your Story

When introducing myself to potential clients or investors, I make sure to share my passion for tech and my love for cats (yes, cats!). I've founded several successful startups and currently serve as the CTO of evolum. I'm particularly interested in Flutter and no-code tools that make building projects easier and more accessible.

4. Tell Your Personal Story

My journey in tech started after I graduated from engineering school and began working for a large corporation. However, I quickly realized that I wanted to be a part of the startup world and moved to London to pursue that dream. After achieving success in the UK, I returned to Paris and decided to create my own app with Socially Fox.

In order to optimize my projects, I prioritize learning and experimentation. I may speak quickly or skip words, but I always strive to make a difference in the tech world. As my favorite quote says, "Learn to optimize without moderation."

By embracing my unique qualities and sharing my story, I've been able to build a personal brand that sets me apart from other developers and entrepreneurs. If you're looking to build in public, I hope these tips help you on your journey to success.


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